INDIANAPOLIS 317-566-9600
KOKOMO 765-865-9300
BLOOMINGTON 812-566-2600



INDIANAPOLIS 317-566-9600
KOKOMO 765-865-9300
BLOOMINGTON 812-566-2600





Medical Malpractice

How to Prepare for Your First Legal Consultation

Most malpractice lawyers offer a free consultation to determine if they should take your case. But your first meeting with a lawyer can feel scary.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you prepare for your legal consultation.

Medical Malpractice FAQ

If you’re a patient who has experienced harm, understanding the fundamentals of medical malpractice is essential to your recovery.

Here are answers to some of our most frequently asked questions about medical malpractice.

How Do I Know if I Have a Medical Malpractice Case?

Did you know that medical error causes nearly 250,000 deaths per year? Yet only 1 in 50 medical malpractice victims file a claim.

Learn how to know when you have a medical malpractice case, and find out what to do next.

The Ultimate 10-Step Guide to Be Your Own Health Advocate

One way to improve your medical experience and treatment results is to be your own health advocate. Advocating for your health empowers you to ask the right questions and get the best answers.

Learn more about health advocacy, why it’s important, and our 10-step guide to advocating for your health.

Misdiagnosed with Cancer? Here’s What to Do Next

Cancer treatment is painful and expensive, so finding out that it was all avoidable is devastating. Your trust is broken, your heart is aching, and you may feel helpless. But just know, you’re not alone. Learn the steps to follow after you’ve been misdiagnosed with cancer.

How to File a Birth Injury Lawsuit

When medical professionals are negligent during childbirth, they may cause birth injuries to both mother and child that cause a lifetime of medical complications. Learn how to file a birth injury lawsuit in Indiana and how a lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Retained Surgical Foreign Instruments after Surgery

Like any medical procedure, surgery has risks. One often-overlooked but potentially devastating complication is the retention of surgical foreign bodies (RSFB) within a patient’s body after surgery. While rare, if you are a victim of RSFB, you should know the risks, causes, and legal implications in medical malpractice cases.

Experienced a Birth Injury? We Can Help.

If a medical provider injured you or your baby during childbirth, Indy Malpractice can help you file an Indiana birth injury claim and receive the compensation you deserve. Find out if you qualify.